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Industrial Design Steel Single Wall Hooks

Simple heavy-duty hooks have modern farmhouse and industrial feel and will last a lifetime. This style works well with either - contemporary and a rustic farmhouse interior designs.

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St. Ives Aluminium Single Wall Hook

This wall hook, from our newest St. Ives bathroom accessories range, is designed to add a uniquely modern appeal and infuse effortless style into your home decor. Hooks are made using high grade aluminium and comes in few durable colour finishes.

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Industrial Design Steel Double Wall Hooks

Simple heavy-duty hooks have modern farmhouse and industrial feel and will last a lifetime. This style works well with either - contemporary and a rustic farmhouse interior designs.

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Single Industrial Design L Shape Steel Shelf Brackets

These sturdy, handcrafted steel shelf brackets are individually cold bent for optimum strength. This style works well with either – contemporary or a rustic farmhouse interior designs.

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Industrial Design J Shape Steel Shelf Bracket

These sturdy, handcrafted steel shelf brackets feature rounded corners, deburred edges and front lips to hold shelves in place. They are individually cold bent for optimum strength. This style works well with either – contemporary and a rustic farmhouse interior designs.

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Industrial Design Steel Shelf Bracket

These sturdy, handcrafted steel shelf brackets feature rounded corners, deburred edges and front lips to hold shelves in place. They are individually cold bent for optimum strength. This style works well with either – contemporary and a rustic farmhouse interior designs.

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Industrial Design Steel Toilet Roll Holder

Simple heavy-duty toilet roll holder has a modern farmhouse and an industrial feel and will last a lifetime. This style works well with either - contemporary and a rustic farmhouse interior designs.

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St. Ives Aluminium Toilet Roll Holder

This toilet roll holder from our newest St. Ives bathroom accessories range, is designed to add a uniquely modern appeal and infuse effortless style into your bathroom decor. Toilet roll holder is made using high grade aluminium and comes in few durable colour finishes.

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Industrial Design Steel Towel Rail

Simple heavy-duty towel rail has a modern farmhouse and an industrial feel and will last a lifetime.

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Industrial Design Traditional Shelf Bracket

These traditional style, sturdy, handcrafted steel shelf brackets have been designed for optimum strength. This style works well with either – contemporary or an industrial interior designs. Brackets can be used anywhere for home storage, industrial and commercial needs.

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St. Ives Aluminium Towel Rail

This towel rail from our newest St. Ives bathroom accessories range, is designed to add a uniquely modern appeal and infuse effortless style into your bathroom decor. This towel rail is made using high grade aluminium and comes in few durable colour finishes.

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St. Ives Aluminium Single Hook Coat Rail

This coat rail, from our newest St. Ives home accessories range, is designed to add uniquely modern appeal and infuse effortless style into your home decor. Coat rail is made using high grade aluminium and comes in few durable colour finishes.

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Steel Slotted Joining Plate For Wooden Table Tops

You only need these steel slotted  joining plates to makes table, office desk or coffee table tops. It can keep the furniture stable and prolong service life. A versatile construction material which is simple and easy to use and may be adapted to suit other individual applications.

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Industrial Design Steel Wall Mounted Towel Rack

Simple heavy-duty wall mounted towel rack has a modern farmhouse yet an industrial feel. With its timeless look, this towel rack is a true asset to any interior. It's a great solution to towel storage issue and it will last a lifetime.

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Steel Coat Rail With Double Hooks

This sturdy storage rail can hold all types of accessories and clothing, including heavier items like bags, coats, jackets, towels and bathroom robes. It suits most of the homes, especially those who prefer minimalistic industrial design.

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Single Rectangle or Square Shaped Breakfast Bar Leg

Hand-fabricated kitchen breakfast bar leg which gives an industrial yet timeless look to any breakfast bar. These legs are easy to install and are made from high quality rectangle or square steel box section for added durability.

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Single Round Breakfast Bar Leg

Hand-fabricated kitchen breakfast bar leg which gives an industrial yet timeless look to any breakfast bar. These legs are easy to install and are made from high quality round steel tube for added durability.

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Rectangle Shaped Breakfast Bar Leg

Beautifully hand-fabricated and finished rectangle shaped breakfast bar leg provides perfect combination of quality and practicality with an industrial edge to any home.

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Pair of Rectangle Shaped Coffee Or Side Table Legs

Beautifully hand-fabricated and finished rectangle shaped legs provide perfect combination of quality and practicality with an industrial edge to any home or office.

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Trapezium Shaped Breakfast Bar Leg

Hand-fabricated trapezium shaped breakfast bar leg which gives an industrial yet contemporary look to any home.

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Pair Of Rectangle Shaped Dining Table Or Desk Legs

Beautifully hand-fabricated and finished rectangle shaped legs provide perfect combination of quality and practicality with an industrial edge to any home or office.

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Pair Of Trapezium Shaped Coffee Or Side Table Legs

Hand-fabricated trapezium shaped coffee table legs which give an industrial yet contemporary look to any home or office.

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Pair Of Reversed Trapezium Shaped Coffee Table Legs

Hand-fabricated reversed trapezium shaped coffee table legs which give an industrial yet contemporary look to any home or office.

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